Monday, March 23, 2009

summary II for 3/24/09

The second article I read was about a reemerging research about cold fusion, which is stirring up more interest. After 20 years of debating cold fusion is receiving a new impetus at the American Chemical Society's national meeting in the US this week. Cold fusion was basiclly claimed to be a boundless source of clean energy by Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons. There have been a numerous failed attempts to replicate thier experiments but none succesful although researchers insist that cold fusion is possible. With the world facing an energy crisis, it is well worth exploring all possibilities. The principle of cold fusion runs counter to that of other fusion production mechanisms that employ enormous lasers or magnetic chambers to contain searingly hot gas. Pons and Fleischmann experiment was conducted by running a current through a room-temperature device called an electrolytic cell. As the heat rised in the cell which suggested that power was being produced within it from nuclear fusion. However Pons and Fleischmann couldnt establish that cold fusion is a reality.

summary for 3/24/09

The article i read was titled New DNA test gives cold case hope. I found it on the BBC news website. it describes how a new technique which can decipher previously unintelligible DNA samples, that where destroyed on scene, has been made available to all police forces in England and Wales. This is a huge break through for the Forensic Science Service in england and wales because these new methods can now lead to thousands of unsolved cases. Scientists can now obtain individual DNA from crime scenes which contain a mix of genetic material from several different people. The Forensic Science Service said it helped police identify suspects and build evidence for cases. Previously, it was impossible for scientists to accurately separate out DNA from different individuals at one crime scene, an example given in the article was where two or three suspects handled the same weapon. Now with the new DNAboost computer technology can do just that and provide identifiable DNA profiles for each suspect, which can be checked against the national DNA database to try to find the culprit. Experts say it could increase the number of provable cases by as much as 30%.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

literature review blog

1) Is it giving information and comparing different research or is it more persuasive?
2) Does the paper seem repetitive?
3) Is more research needed?
4) Does the paper flow well?
5) is the paper to "wordy"?

literature review

Tarek Edelbi
Literature Review

Plastic is one of the most heavily used materials in present day society. It’s present in the food we eat, the water we drink, and many of our material possessions. As a result of our constant interaction with the material it is also present in the air we breathe, and will soon start to take a negative toll on organic life forms. Plastics are made of non-biodegradable materials although through various obstacles such as the passage of time, photodegradation, and ultraviolet rays from the sun, plastic can break down and create chemical byproducts over a period of time. Over 400 billion pounds of plastic is being produced every year exceeding the previous year’s production. These byproducts can adversely affect the living conditions on earth. Plastic in a sense never ceases to exist because it can change form. Numerous chemical by-products and toxins are released, not only through the break down but from various plastic products such as hair combs, water bottles, toys etc.
For the basics plastic is made by combining many toxic synthetic man-made chemicals by a process called polymerization. This process technicilly binds the toxic chemicals together so tightly that they are no longer toxic to organisims. Although the polymerization process will most likely never be flauless, it always leaves various toxic chemicals sustainable to transfer out of the plastic material and into its contacts. Toxins and chemicals released from these plastics can be extremely detrimental to all living life forms. Some toxins and chemicals in plastics known to be detrimental are bisophenol A, antimony, and Phthalates.
These toxins are known to cause different forms of cancer-causing cells and also are hormone altering and imitating. On a much larger scale they have the potential to affect DNA as well as the genetic make-up. Since cancer is more prevalently studied, it attracts more researchers, and therefore more recent studies are conducted on the cancer causing aspects of plastics. A recent study conducted by the American Association for Cancer Research showed that chemicals such as bisophenol A in plastics will stimulate the growth of various cancer-causing cells which may lead to mammary and prostate cancer.
Bisophenol A or BPA is generally found in heavier plastic packaging, such as those used for milk storage, container linings and water supply pipes. A recents study done by a coalition of environmental health NGOs stated that BPA which is also a synthetic sex hormone which can mimics estrogen is used to make hard polycarbonate plastic. On average these plastics release between 4.7 – 8.3 parts per billion of bisphenol A. A recent research on animals showed that bisphenol A can be harmful by disrupting development at doses even below these levels. Other research state that although chemical is prone to affect an organism at any stage of its life, the toxins are more effective at key stages of development and may be life-altering even in minus increments.
Another toxin such as antimony is also known to be carcinogenic. One study done in long term exposure with only minimal amounts of antimony yielded with organisms such as animals in this case developed eye irritation, hair loss, lung damage, and heart problems. Another study composed, only now the organisms were exposed to higher levels of antimony, the animal developed fertility problems as well as lung cancer. Chemicals such as Phthalates are also an additive in plastic which helps the flow of molecules in the material to give texture and flexibility. A research, done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on humans, shows metabolites of multiple phthalates in urine, which is believed to be due to plastics. Baby care products are a growing concern due to the fact that most of them contain phthalates. The study also stated that young infants are more vulnerable to the potential effects of phthalates due to their increased dosage per unit body surface area, metabolic capabilities, and developing endocrine and reproductive systems.
A study was also done on rodents which were exposed to certain phthalates levels. In the case of high doses a change in hormone levels was evident and birth defects were observed. One explained that human phthalate exposure during pregnancy resulted in decreased anogenital distance among baby boys. In this study, phthalate metabolites were measured in urine samples collected from the pregnant women who gave birth to the infants. After birth, the genital features and anogenital distance of these women's babies were measured and correlated with the residue levels in the mother's urine. Boys born to mothers with the highest levels of phthalates were seven times more likely to have a shortened anogenital distance.
A research conducted by the American government journal Environment Health Perspectives stated that BPA and phthalates were gaining a reputation for being endocrine disrupters. Chemicals from plastic even have the frightening potential to change DNA or genetic make-up.

Work Cited
Ahmad, Maqbool, and Ahmad S. Bajahlan. "Leaching of styrene and other aromatic compounds in drinking water from PS bottles." 16 May 2007. Science Direct. Journal of environmental sciences. Mason, Fairfax. 25 Feb. 2009 .
Alderson, Norris. "Testimony." 14 Mar. 2008. ASL. Mason, Fairfax. 25 Feb. 2009 .
Ball, Douglas. "Development of Safety Qualification Thresholds and Their Use in Orally Inhaled and Nasal Drug Product Evaluation." 23 Feb. 2007. Toxicological Sciences. ToxSci Advance Access. Mason, Fairfax. 25 Feb. 2009 .
"Screening Assessment for The Challenge Phenol, 4,4' -(1-methylethylidene)bis- (Bisphenol A) Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number 80-05-7." Oct. 2008. Environment Canada. Health Canada. Mason, Fairfax. 25 Feb. 2009 .
C.J. Moore et al., (2001) “A Comparison of Plastic and Plankton in the Pacific Central Gyre,” Marine Pollution Bulletin 42: 297-1300. The North Pacific Gyre and the ORV Alguita Somorovská, M., J. Tulinská, M. BaranÄoková, M. ZámeÄnÃková, A. Collins, A. LÃÅ¡ková, B. Vallová, H. Petrovská, E. Jáhnová, P. VodiÄka, L. Fuortes, and M. DuÅ¡inská. "THE COMET ASSAY IN BIOMONITORING OF OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE IN RUBBER FACTORY AND PLASTIC LAMINATION PLANT. COMPARISON WITH CYTOGENETIC AND IMMUNE BIOMARKERS." 2006. ELIS. MASON, Fairfax. 25 Feb. 2009 .
Totten, Bill. "[A-List] Get Plastic Out of Your Diet." 16 Nov. 2006. Mindfully. Livivng nutrition magazine. Mason, Fairfax. 25 Feb. 2009 .
Tyl, R. "Polycarbonate Plastics and Bisphenol A Release." 2006. Bisphenol A. Human health and saftey. Mason, Fairfax. 25 Feb. 2009
Vom Saal, F. S., W.V. Welshons, & S. Parmigiani “Leaching of Bisphenol A From Polycarbonate Plastic Disrupts Development via Epigenetic Mechanisms.” Prepared for the Erice International Seminars on Planetary Emergencies, Erice, Italy. 19-26 August 2006.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

summary 3/16/09

This article is about how there is a rise in sexually transmitted diseases. The article explains how data showing a prevalence of chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis are a growing public health problem. They say that it effects women, young people and members of minorities. Although all three diseases are preventable and treatable with antibiotics in the early stages for the most part. The only reason these virusis still persist is mostly due to people spreading them without even knowing they are infected. These three dieseases can all be transmitted through vaginal, oral and anal sex. If these dieseases go untreated in women, it can lead to a painful and long-lasting pelvic inflammatory disease, infertility and fatal ectopic pregnancy. These dieseases can both can be transmitted to babies at birth. Syphilis has an array of other severe symptoms depending on the stage of the disease. Condoms are a very good way to reduce the risk of getting infections.

summary 3/17/09

This article is about the decline of inbreeding, written in our genes. this article explains how a study was done which indicates an increases in mobility, urbanisation, and cross-population mating over the last century have substantially reduced inbreeding, which then causes a more distinctive trace in the genome of modern Americans. this can also be applied to regions in the world with mass movements of immigrants. This is a major topis since inbreeding leaves a characteristic signature in the genome such as long tracts of autozygosity which represents regions in which an individual has inherited the same sets of genetic variants from both parents. In the same region the more closely-related an individual's parents are the more of these regions they will carry and the longer such regions will be. This article was interesting to me because it has to do with my research paper.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Project status

I have changed my topic slightly to be able to find more research on it. i have also narrowed down my topic to a specific studies, which will make it more organized when i write my paper. the biggest problem is finding scholarly research done related specifically to my research question. i am still looking in further research to be able to come up with solid research question. finding the right person for my topic is also difficult, i have a lot of professors to choose from but not many of them may have done any research on my topic. i will start constructing my final research paper during spring break.


Purpose of this essay-
The main purpose of the essay is to inform readers about the adverse effects plastics can have on cells and DNA in organisms
Changed from genetic defects that are caused by plastic due to lack of reasearch done on the topic.
Audience for this essay-
The audience for this research paper are college educated students or equivalent to researchers in this field.
Essay's thesis statement-
The chemicals and toxins that are released by plastics will cause effects on cells and DNA.
Full Sentence Outlines-
There are a multitude of adverse effect brought about by plastic utensils and food and beverage containmers made with platic.
1. These effects include reduced embryo survival
2. Test subjects were selected for their shorter life spans and lower immune systems to facilitate an accelerated study.
3. Toxins released from plastics affect the endocrine system.
Decimal Outlines
• Introduction
• Reseach problem
• Thesis statement
• Research investigation and support
• Interview Q/A
• Conclusion


Purpose of this essay-
The main purpose of the essay is to inform readers about the adverse effects plastics can have on cells and DNA in organisms
Changed from genetic defects that are caused by plastic due to lack of reasearch done on the topic.
Audience for this essay-
The audience for this research paper are college educated students or equivalent to researchers in this field.
Essay's thesis statement-
The chemicals and toxins that are released by plastics will cause effects on cells and DNA.
Full Sentence Outlines-
There are a multitude of adverse effect brought about by plastic utensils and food and beverage containmers made with platic.
1. These effects include reduced embryo survival
2. Test subjects were selected for their shorter life spans and lower immune systems to facilitate an accelerated study.
3. Toxins released from plastics affect the endocrine system.
Decimal Outlines
• Introduction
• Reseach problem
• Thesis statement
• Research investigation and support
• Interview Q/A
• Conclusion

Interview questions

Interviewee: Ed Otto (genetics professor)

1. Where did you go to school and what did you study in school?
2. What kind of research do you conduct and what percentage of your time on the job is spent in the various job functions?
3. What surprised you about this career after began this path?
4. What knowledge do you have on effects of chemicals on cell function and DNA?
5. Have you ever done research on this topic?
6. Where would you start research on this topic?
7.Are you familiar with any defects to cells or DNA due to chemicals contained in plastics?
8. Is this a growing concern in genetics?
9. What other researches are related to this specific topic that can help with its research?
10. Is their anything extra you know on this topic that can help me with further research?

summary 2 3/3/09

Tarek Edelbi

I choose this article because it is related to my field. It’s about the shortages of dentists in the state of Maine. In many cases doctors in Maine now have to perform routine procedures such as pulling teeth and gum care on their patients. Maine has one dentist for every 2,300 people, compared with one doctor for every 640, and the gap is expected to widen as both dentists and doctors retire over the next decade, compared to the national ratio of one dentist to 1,600 patients. The reason Maine has trouble recruiting dentists is because many young graduates do not want to work in rural areas, also because Maine doesn’t have a dental school. The closest dental schools are in Boston, about 50 miles from the state’s southernmost town. Many residents of Maine rarely visit dentists which cause growing dental problems which often turn up in the ER. The plus side to this is doctors are expanding their knowledge.

summary 3/2/09

Tarek Edelbi

In this article they discussed the quality of medical scans. Over 95 million high tech scans are done every year including CT, M.R.I and PET scans, which can cost approximately $100 billion a year which $14 billion is paid for by Medicare. The doctors were explaining that you will be paying the same price for a scan that may come from a 10 year old machine that you will be paying for one that uses recent technologies. Scanners that are a decade old lack tremendous technological advances than the more recent scanners, and can shift the decision making when it comes to surgeries and treatments, making many of them unnecessary. The article also explains that some doctors will refer patients to scanning centers that they own to profit from them as well, while most of them are not even accredited, which will be earning them an additional profit of a half a million to a million dollars a year. This issue will be resolved by an aspect of a wide-ranging Medicare law passed last year which will go into effect in 2012; Medicare will pay only for scans done at accredited centers. The bottom line is know where you’re getting your scans from and make sure that they are done on updated scanners which are reviewed by credible doctors.