Tuesday, March 17, 2009

summary 3/16/09

This article is about how there is a rise in sexually transmitted diseases. The article explains how data showing a prevalence of chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis are a growing public health problem. They say that it effects women, young people and members of minorities. Although all three diseases are preventable and treatable with antibiotics in the early stages for the most part. The only reason these virusis still persist is mostly due to people spreading them without even knowing they are infected. These three dieseases can all be transmitted through vaginal, oral and anal sex. If these dieseases go untreated in women, it can lead to a painful and long-lasting pelvic inflammatory disease, infertility and fatal ectopic pregnancy. These dieseases can both can be transmitted to babies at birth. Syphilis has an array of other severe symptoms depending on the stage of the disease. Condoms are a very good way to reduce the risk of getting infections.

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