Monday, March 23, 2009

summary II for 3/24/09

The second article I read was about a reemerging research about cold fusion, which is stirring up more interest. After 20 years of debating cold fusion is receiving a new impetus at the American Chemical Society's national meeting in the US this week. Cold fusion was basiclly claimed to be a boundless source of clean energy by Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons. There have been a numerous failed attempts to replicate thier experiments but none succesful although researchers insist that cold fusion is possible. With the world facing an energy crisis, it is well worth exploring all possibilities. The principle of cold fusion runs counter to that of other fusion production mechanisms that employ enormous lasers or magnetic chambers to contain searingly hot gas. Pons and Fleischmann experiment was conducted by running a current through a room-temperature device called an electrolytic cell. As the heat rised in the cell which suggested that power was being produced within it from nuclear fusion. However Pons and Fleischmann couldnt establish that cold fusion is a reality.

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