Thursday, January 29, 2009

descriptive free write

walking out of my garage i noticed it was sunny, unlike it has been this whole week. my driveway was covered in ice despite the fact that i shoveled it three times. the sun never reaches my driveway because of the shade of my house. i was careful to position my feet so not to slip and fall although my driveway was cover in a sheet of clear ice with patches that had been crushed by my tires. i got into my car and started it and put it into reverse as i backed out of my space and started to drive on the sandy street. the streets where covered in brown sand some areas were dry and some where the sun has not hit still a little dry. my windshield was covered with dried salt water so i dispensed some windshield washer fluid and wiped my windshield. streaks were left on my windshield i noticed that they have been damaged by the snow. there was ice still all along the side of the roads, sidewalks and grass. the roads where in very good condition. it was a five minute drive to school and since i take this road everyday i don't really pay much attention to it opposed to to a road that i rarely drive on. there was excess sand on some parts of the road. when i turned into school i fished around for a parking spot noticing that the parking lot wasn't as clean as the roads were. the reflection of the sun reflected back off the road and made them look very shinny. once i found a parking spot which surprisingly didn't take much time i walked down a snowy hill.

30 words

1. Aroma
2. Scrunch
3. Luminosity
4. Stumble
5. Contiguous
6. Happy
7. Depart
8. Await
9. Hope
10. Screech
11. Kling
12. Ruffle
13. Run
14. Dry
15. Joyful
16. Hologram
17. Notice
18. Wanting
19. Aligned
20. Full
21. Bare
22. Empty
23. Plastered
24. Scraped
25. Trickle
26. Mount
27. Flinch
28. Hop
29. Glossy
30. Smooth

Assignment 1/29/09

1. Grabbed handle, felt rusty while sliding hand up while walking. Stairwell echoed with every movement. Hands smelt of iron, twisted door knob. Felt warmth Seep in through the stairwell. Echoes calmed. Still sound throughout the hallway.

2. Door screeched while opening, along with a chime that continued to play after door closed. Low sounds of talk and movement came from a distance. Silence was disturbed by the receptionist. Eyes focused on game console and colorful game cover. Irresistible urge to play. Inching towards console.

3. Stumbled down a small hall into a mismatched dull colored room with two chairs a reclining bed and an array of shinny tools. Curiosity to touch the tools and play with them, but feeling shy knowing someone would enter the room at any moment. Focused on the tools and wires and imagining the purpose of each.

4. Small fragile compressed women entered room with a wide smile, and greeted me with a foreign ascent. Her teeth were coffee stained and her lipstick was a bright pink. Anxious to see what she would do after stretching her small hands into a wrinkled latex powdered glove. She asked me my name and I replied under my breath. She slid into her rolling chair and placed napkin around my neck attach by a clinging chain. She turned around as if she was looking for something and she got up and left the room.

5. I was left to sit and anticipate what was going to happen next. She returned with folder in hand as she adjusted my seat, which I enjoyed, and imagined I was in some amusement ride. My eyes focused on a picture frame hanging on the wall of a clear glass rounded vase filled half way with black pebble stones and yellow flowers. She clicked a rounded white light on and adjusted it to focus the light in my mouth. She placed down her folder and sat down.

6. I tried to angle my eyes in order to not twist my neck to see what tools she was reaching for. She said I will be getting a cleaning today. She told me to open my mouth wide like a lion. She continued to complement me as she picked up a tool which was pointy and very sharp in appearance. She gently rested her hands against my face as she prickled and scraped at my teeth. She then picked up a bulkier tool and turned it on she explain that it will be sucking up the water she will be spraying and gently demonstrated on my hand. I figured she thought I would be scared.

7. Cool water flowed between my gums and lips as she shot it at my teeth. Slight humming sound from tools was ringing in my ears as she passed a rotating tool over every single tooth with the flavor of strawberry tooth paste. She readjusted the sucking mechanism under my tongue which tickled me and I couldn’t help to smile. After the cleaning I ran the front of my tongue over my top set of teeth. It felt smooth and glossy a felling I’ve never felt before.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Earliest Memory

My earliest memory as a child was when I was living in my old house in Annandale, I don’t remember my exact age but it was probably four. I went to a daycare down the street from my house. The day care was called ACCA I remember running outside in the play ground and stepping on the bubble bees when they land on flowers and hiding behind the logs every time they would call us in for a nap. I remember my best friend in preschool who I’m still friends with today used to play candy land and chase kids with. I remember having a tall skinny teacher and a fat short one. I remember we used to go on field trips to chucky cheese and the pool. The thing I remember most would be playing out in the play ground and running around with other kids, digging in the dirt looking for worms, and riding the tricycles they had out for us. I remember after playing outside we would have nap time in which we would pull out mini beds and sleep on then fix them when we were done. I remember after nap time we would eat lunch then all be transferred to a larger room full of toys and small trampolines and all the walls we painted with sesame street characters. We would play in there until out parents would come and pick us up. I remember always playing Simon says and eating green beans for lunch was my favorite.