Thursday, January 29, 2009

descriptive free write

walking out of my garage i noticed it was sunny, unlike it has been this whole week. my driveway was covered in ice despite the fact that i shoveled it three times. the sun never reaches my driveway because of the shade of my house. i was careful to position my feet so not to slip and fall although my driveway was cover in a sheet of clear ice with patches that had been crushed by my tires. i got into my car and started it and put it into reverse as i backed out of my space and started to drive on the sandy street. the streets where covered in brown sand some areas were dry and some where the sun has not hit still a little dry. my windshield was covered with dried salt water so i dispensed some windshield washer fluid and wiped my windshield. streaks were left on my windshield i noticed that they have been damaged by the snow. there was ice still all along the side of the roads, sidewalks and grass. the roads where in very good condition. it was a five minute drive to school and since i take this road everyday i don't really pay much attention to it opposed to to a road that i rarely drive on. there was excess sand on some parts of the road. when i turned into school i fished around for a parking spot noticing that the parking lot wasn't as clean as the roads were. the reflection of the sun reflected back off the road and made them look very shinny. once i found a parking spot which surprisingly didn't take much time i walked down a snowy hill.

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