Tuesday, February 3, 2009

close listening

I choose to sit in a quite area where I have been a couple times before. It is in the Johnson Center on the third floor at 10:49 A.M. The area was in the northwest sitting area which is surrounded by windows and opens to the second floor sitting area as well. As I walked into the area I choose to sit on a blue colored couch I knew I would be sitting for an hour so I pulled up a chair to prompt my legs up on. I plugged in my laptop and opened my laptop and put it to the side to jot down some notes. The first thing I noticed was there was a man giving a speech on the second floor at first I noticed he was starting all of his achievements then he went on to explaining how to chose and declare a major. There was also a girls sleeping on a couch facing the wall. I heard various people asking questions and the man answered and then with a ruffle of papers and foot steps the second floor was cleared. I looked out the window and noticed a small plane flying across the distance which I followed with my eyes until it fell behind the leafless trees and then the wall. Suddenly the sound from the Johnson Center cafeteria is more noticeable.
As I started looking out the window I noticed a red crane moving ever so slightly. A large ever green tree stood out with all the leafless maples and oaks. A man on the second floor who I couldn’t see was on the phone wanting to follow up with a job interview. I looked at the walls and noted that they were painted a striped pattern of yellow and grey. The girl wakes up and receives a phone call as she picks up and speaks in a different language which seems to be Urdu. She then pulls out her laptop. We were the only two people in the room. There were various sounds in the distance; the room never fell to a complete silence. I notice that sky is a dull blue with scattered clouds. I reclined in my seat to see all the gum stuck to the bottom of the only table in the room. I watched people walk by and not even notice the part of the Johnson Center. The girl started to hum as she worked in what seemed to be her lab book. The man’s voice came up again various times appearing to check up on jobs he had applied for. The sun reflecting on the buildings gets a little brighter. In the silence a small buzz can be heard, I didn’t know the source it could be from but most likely the heat or the lights. A big brown bird probably a hawk caught my attention gliding outside coming in and out of view flying above campus.
I noticed a hugh light fixture which almost looks like a camera mounted to the top of the building outside. The girl in the room prompts up her legs against the ledge while she reads and flips through her lab manual. She is wearing a purple shall and a purple long sleeve sweater with dark blue jeans and white Nike track shoes with a baby blue check mark. I Looked at the side of the Johnson Center and noticed the arrangement of bricks and how they where laid probably one by one. I checked the clock on my laptop every while. I started to relax and my eyes felt heavy I sneezed and the sound echoed. I laid my head back and look up at the ceiling I smelled the shampoo on my hair I used this morning. The sound of someone from the second floor blowing their nose broke the silence. The girl got up and walked towards the outlet and moved a sofa couch in order to plug her laptop charger. I picked at the dried skin on my hands which were dried out from the cold dry air. The man on the phone seems frustrated explaining that he applied to 20 jobs and everyone he has called have told him that is application was not found. I start getting the feeling that I am a stalker for paying to much attention to this girl and man’s voice. When time was up I gathered my things and casually walked away.

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