Thursday, February 12, 2009

free write questions/ interest in my major

being a biology major at mason im automatically associated with a medical field. although a controversial topic came up in on of my classes. one of the students proposed a situation in which the patient was lying in their death bed and it was a matter of time before they would die. the patient themselves in this situation might want to end their lives and those that were unable to communicate, their families spoke the same for them. so we discussed the practice of euthanasia, which basically ending the life in a painless manner. there were of course diverse views to this subject. although euthanasia is only practiced in a limited number of countries which it is also legal in the US should it still be practiced. t could be viewed as a form of assisted suicide. in some cases the patient may be in a state in which they cant speak for them selves and this would be called involuntary euthanasia and it is merely based on "what that person would of wanted"

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