Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Summary 4 2/17

Tarek Edelbi
Summary 3

In this article the author tries to convey that there might be slight genetic defects with children born through sperm or eggs artificially. In the article they say that while the embryo sits in the Petri dish for five days to a week it can become vulnerable to go threw slight genetic variation. A research was done on babies born threw IVF and found a slight increase in genetic defects upon birth. Genetic defects such as a hole between the two chambers of the heart, a cleft lip or palate, an improperly developed esophagus and a malformed rectum. Although many patients that undergo IVF have never questioned any aspect of this study, there have been previous studies on defects due to IVF. They are now looking into other syndromes and disorders among those children who have preceded IVF to see if there is any correlation between the studies and the procedure.

Kolata, Gina. "Picture Emerging on Genetics risks of IVF". The New York Times. 2/17/2009 .

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