Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Article Analysis

Citation Information
Article Title: Individual and joint toxic effects of pentachlorophenol and bisphenol A on the development of zebrafish (danio rerio) embryo
Author(s):Zhenghua Duana, Lin Zhua, Lingyan Zhua, Yao Kuna and Xiaoshan Zhua
Journal Title:Individual and joint toxic effects of pentachlorophenol and bisphenol A on the development of zebrafish (danio rerio) embryo
Publication Information (date, volume, etc.):Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
Volume 71, Issue 3, November 2008, Pages 774-780

Database Accessed:2/24/2009

Analysis Information
Purpose: To prove that toxins such as PCP and BPA found in everyday material can have detrimental defects on live embryos.
Audience: Wide range of audience from scientist studying zebra fish to geneticists.
Sources: various sources

Primary Details
Research Concern: Effects of PCP and BPA on development of zebrafish
Thesis: That the presence of PCP and BPA will have an effect on the development of the zebrafish.
Procedures/Methods: Placed healthy control fish's embryos into toxic conditions.
Supporting Evidence: embryos decreased significantly with defects as well.
Key Findings:PCP and BPA were both toxic to the development of zebrafish embryos, and the toxicity level of PCP was about two orders of magnitude higher than that of BPA.
Limits:PCP BPA water
Problems:chemical consistency
Point of View:

Presentation and Argumentation
Concepts/Key Vocabulary Words:
Use of Evidence: experimental methods
Conclusion:PCP and BPA were both toxic to the development of zebrafish embryos, and the toxicity level of PCP was about two orders of magnitude higher than that of BPA.

Strength of Argument: the argument had sufficient and reasonable research.
Strength of Research Approach: research was concise and accurate to theory
Strength of Supporting Evidence: due to experiments the supporting evidence is strong
Importance of Article's Inquiry: Had some main points related to my research topic
Overall Evaluation: great article

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