Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Exchanged object

I received a green scarf from sherry. the color is not a bright green but more of a forest green. it looks like it was hand knitted, and looks to be very warm. it looks like she might of had it for a while. seems that she would only use it in cold weather and maybe to match her green mason shirt. the scarf's material feels like a thick cotton or possibly wool.

it might be a gift that she received because it looks hand knitted, and it might have some sentimental value because it looks a little worn out. the scarf doesn't have any tag or brand on it so i'm assuming it is a hand made gift. sherry might wear it because the person that gave it to her was someone special in her life, and when she wears it she remembers him or her. from receiving the scarf i could tell it had more of a meaning to her than to just keep her warm or because it matches her shirt but because the scarf might represent someone close to her.

1. who made the scarf?
2. who gave you the scarf?
3. why do you wear the scarf?
4. What does this scarf mean to you?
5. How long have you had this scarf?
6. Would you buy this scarf if you saw it in the store now?
7. What would it mean to you if you lost this scarf?
8. Do you like the color green?
9. Have you ever washed this scarf?
10. Is there anything you want to tell me about this scarf?

sherry made the scarf so it wasn't a gift. she knits and made it when she was a freshmen at mason because masons color is green. she has many other knitted scarfs but this is the only one she has here with her at mason. she wears it to protect herself from the cold. she has washed the scarf only once before but usually doesn't because it ruins the stiching.

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