Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Earliest Memory

My earliest memory as a child was when I was living in my old house in Annandale, I don’t remember my exact age but it was probably four. I went to a daycare down the street from my house. The day care was called ACCA I remember running outside in the play ground and stepping on the bubble bees when they land on flowers and hiding behind the logs every time they would call us in for a nap. I remember my best friend in preschool who I’m still friends with today used to play candy land and chase kids with. I remember having a tall skinny teacher and a fat short one. I remember we used to go on field trips to chucky cheese and the pool. The thing I remember most would be playing out in the play ground and running around with other kids, digging in the dirt looking for worms, and riding the tricycles they had out for us. I remember after playing outside we would have nap time in which we would pull out mini beds and sleep on then fix them when we were done. I remember after nap time we would eat lunch then all be transferred to a larger room full of toys and small trampolines and all the walls we painted with sesame street characters. We would play in there until out parents would come and pick us up. I remember always playing Simon says and eating green beans for lunch was my favorite. http://www.youtube.com/

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